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SonarQube integration

A jq filter can be downloaded from mutation-report-to-sonar.jq to convert a JSON mutation testing report to the SonarQube generic issue import format.


jq -f mutation-report-to-sonar.jq mutation.json > mutation-sonar.json

After mutation-sonar.json is generated, you can import the file into SonarQube using the analysis parameter sonar.externalIssuesReportPaths. The mutation testing results will be imported as external issues. There are a couple of limitations with importing external issues:

  • You can't manage them within SonarQube; for instance, there is no ability to mark them False Positive.
  • You can't manage the activation of the rules that raise these issues within SonarQube. External rules aren't visible on the Rules page or reflected in Quality Profiles.

External issues and the rules that raise them must be managed in the configuration of Stryker.

When importing mutation testing results using this method:

  • Only mutants with a state of Survived or No coverage are imported.
  • Mutants are imported as issues of type Code Smell with a severity of MAJOR and an effort of 10 minutes.
  • If the mutation testing report includes the projectRoot property, absolute file paths are converted to relative file paths to avoid issues with the SonarScanner locating the source files.