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Implementing real-time reporting

Real-time reporting was recently implemented in Stryker. This page is created to help other mutation testing frameworks to make use the same functionality.

How does it work?​

Currently, the mutation-testing-elements report support updates in real-time using Server Sent Events. This was chosen over WebSockets because the dataflow should only be from a mutation framework to the report. The report should not have to send anything to the mutation framework.

Implementation details​

Preparing the report​

First things first, the mutation testing framework should generate a report with an initial state of the mutants . If the mutants don't yet have a state because they have not been tested yet, you should use the state "Pending".

There are two ways of serving the generated report:

  1. Write the file to disk.
  2. Serve the report using a webserver.

For both of these options we recommend opening the report automatically for a better user experience.

Changes to the <mutation-test-report-app> component​

To inform the report that it is going to be provided with real-time updates, set the new sse property with the SSE endpoint URI.

<mutation-test-report-app sse="http://localhost:8080/sse"></mutation-test-report-app>

Server side implementation​

At the server side, several HTTP headers are necessary to let the browser know that it should keep the connection open:

Content-Type: text/event-stream
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: keep-alive
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

The Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * is necessary only if the report is opened from a file from disk. It is possible to be more strict with CORS if the report is served with a webserver.

When sending events to the browser, please note that the payload should look like the following:

event: eventName\n
data: "..."\n\n

For more information, refer to the documentation.


The report currently listens to two events:

  • mutant-tested.
  • finished.

The mutant-tested event​

This event should be sent when a single mutant has been tested. The mutant should conform to the report schema.

Required properties:

  • id.
  • status.

Optional properties:

  • coveredBy.
  • description.
  • duration.
  • killedBy.
  • location.
  • mutatorName.
  • replacement.
  • static.
  • statusReason.
  • testsCompleted.

For this event the data field in the event should be stringified JSON:

event: mutant-tested
data: "{\"id\":\"0\",\"status\":\"Killed\",\"coveredBy\":[\"test_1\"]}"

The finished event​

To notify that the report should stop listening for events, send this event:

event: finished
data: null


It is up to the implementer to keep the state. If the user refreshes the page, the report will have lost the state that was built up until that point.

To prevent lost data, the implementer has to keep track of all mutant events that have happened until that point. If a browser reconnects it is possible to send all those events to the browser using the mutant-tested event.