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All configuration options can be set from the stryker4s.conf file in the root of the project. This file is read in the HOCON-format. All configuration should be in the "stryker4s" namespace and in kebab-case.

stryker4s {
# Your configuration here

General config​

mutate [string[]]​

Config file: mutate: [ "**/main/scala/**/*.scala" ]
Default value: [ "**/main/scala/**/*.scala" ]
With mutate you configure the subset of files to use for mutation testing. Generally speaking, these should be your own source files.
The default for this will find files in the common Scala project format.

You can ignore files by adding an exclamation mark (!) at the start of an expression.

test-filter [string[]]​

Config file: test-filter: [ "com.mypackage.MyTest" ]
Default value: []
Since: v0.8.0
With test-filter you configure the subset of tests to use for mutation testing. By default, all tests are included. You can use wildcard pattern: com.mypackage.*.

  • With sbt Tests.Filter is used.
    • You can ignore tests by adding an exclamation mark (!) at the start of an expression.
  • With Maven and the ScalaTest plugin, wildcardSuites property is used
  • With Maven and the SureFire plugin, tests property is used

Note: Not supported in the command-runner plugin.

files [string[]]​

Config file: files: [ "**/main/scala/**/*.scala" ]
Default value: result of git ls-files --others --exclude-standard --cached
With files you can choose which files should be included in your mutation run sandbox. This is normally not needed as it defaults to all files not ignored by git. If you do need to override files (for example, when your project isn't in a git repository), you can override the files config.

You can ignore files by adding an exclamation mark (!) at the start of an expression.

base-dir [string]​

Config file: base-dir: '/usr/your/project/folder/here'
Default value: The directory from which the process is started
With base-dir you specify the directory from which stryker4s starts and searches for mutations. The default for this is the directory from which the project is being run, which should be fine in most cases. This value can also be relative to the current working directory, E.G.: base-dir: submodule1 to set the base-dir to a submodule of your project.

reporters [string[]]​

Config file: reporters: ["console", "html", "json", "dashboard"]
Default value: The console and html reporters
With reporters you can specify reporters for stryker4s to use. The following reporters are supported:

  • console will output progress and the final result to the console.
  • html outputs a nice HTML report to target/stryker4s-report-$timestamp/index.html. See the mutation-testing-elements repo for more information.
  • json writes a json of the mutation result to the same folder as the HTML reporter. The JSON is in the mutation-testing-report-schema format.
  • dashboard reporter sends a report to, enabling you to add a fancy mutation score badge to your readme, as well as hosting your HTML report on the dashboard! It uses the dashboard.* configuration options. See the dashboard docs for more info. The dashboard reporter only works on JDK 11 or higher.

excluded-mutations [string[]]​

Config file: excluded-mutations: ["BooleanLiteral"]
Default value: []
With excluded-mutations, you can turn off certain mutations in the project. Allowed values are the following:

  • EqualityOperator
  • BooleanLiteral
  • ConditionalExpression
  • LogicalOperator
  • StringLiteral
  • MethodExpression

thresholds [object]​

Config file: thresholds{ high=80, low=60, break=0 }
Default values: high=80, low=60, break=0
Specify the thresholds for mutation scores.

  • mutation score >= high: Success! Mutation score will be logged at the INFO level.
  • high > mutation score >= low: Warning! Mutation score will be logged at the WARN level.
  • mutation score < low: Dangerously low! Mutation score will be logged at the ERROR level with an extra warning.
  • mutation score < break: Error! Stryker will exit with exit code 1, indicating a build failure.

Setting break=0 (default value) ensures that the build will never fail.

dashboard.* [object]​

Config file: dashboard { module="core" }
Default values: dashboard { base-url="", project="$USER/$PROJECT_NAME", report-type=full, version=$BRANCH } if filled by CI environment
Settings for the dashboard reporter. See the dashboard docs. Note that the values should be kebab-case, not camelCase. If nothing is configured, Stryker4s will try to retrieve the values from one of the supported CI environments:

  • Travis
  • CircleCI
  • GitHub actions

scala-dialect [string]​

Config file: scala-dialect: "2.13"
Default value: scala213source3
Since: v0.10.1

Set the Scala dialect that should be used for parsing Scala files. The default is Scala 2.13 with -XSource:3 as this has the widest compatibility. If you are running into issues with parsing older unsupported Scala syntax that we forgot about you can change this value.

Valid values are Scala-versions without a patch version (scala2.12, 212, 2.12, 2, 3, 3.2). If you use -Xsource:3 you can use scala212source3 or scala213source3. The full list can be found here.

static-tmp-dir [boolean]​

Config file: static-tmp-dir: true Default value: false Since: v0.15.0 Description:

This will force the temporary dir to be created at a static path (target/stryker4s-tmpDir).

Recommended when using stryker4s with Bazel (Bazel uses the path to the workspace to determine where to store the local cache - hashes the path to create the sandbox's name) as it speeds up mutation testing greatly.

clean-tmp-dir [boolean]​

Config file: clean-tmp-dir: false Default value: true Since: v0.15.0 Description:

Temporary dir will be autodeleted at exit if this option is set. Turning it off is useful for debugging purposes. If cleaning the temporary dir is disabled, you need to clean the temporary dir manually before restarting stryker4s.

On error the temporary dir is never deleted (even if this option is set).

Sbt plugin config​

timeout-factor [number]​

Config file: timeout-factor: 1.5
Default value: 1.5
Since: v0.10.0

See timeout

timeout [duration]​

Config file: timeout: 5000
Default value: 5 seconds
Since: v0.10.0

When Stryker4s is mutating code, it cannot determine indefinitely whether a code mutation results in an infinite loop (see Halting problem). In order to battle infinite loops, a test run gets killed after a certain period of time. This period is configurable with two settings: timeout and timeoutFactor. To calculate the actual timeout in milliseconds the following formula is used:

timeoutForTestRun = netTime * timeoutFactor + timeout

netTime is calculated during the initial test run. The result is logged on info level. For example: Timeout set to 5600ms (net 400 milliseconds)

With timeout-factor you can configure the allowed deviation relative to the time of a normal test run. Tweak this if you notice that mutants are prone to creating slower code, but not infinite loops. timeout lets you configure an absolute deviation. Use it if you run Stryker on a busy machine and you need to wait longer to make sure that the code indeed entered an infinite loop. It can be configured using a number of milliseconds (5000) or a duration string (5s, 5000ms)

max-test-runner-reuse [number]​

Config file: max-test-runner-reuse: 5
Default value: disabled
Since: v0.10.0

Restart the testrunner after every n runs. Not recommended unless you are experiencing memory leaks that you are unable to resolve.

legacy-test-runner [boolean]​

Config file: legacy-test-runner: true
Default value: false
Since: v0.10.0

Use the sbt testrunner that was the default before v0.10.0. This testrunner is a lot slower, so it is recommended to only enable this if you are running into issues with the new testrunner. You might want to take a look at max-test-runner-reuse first.

Cases where you might want to use this:

  • Your code has lots of 'static' mutants (e.g. val in an object) which the new testrunner can not test.
  • You are running into a bug with the new testrunner.
  • Your testframework does not work with the testrunner.

For the last two cases, please let us know by creating an issue!

concurrency [number]​

Config file: concurrency: 4
Default value: (cpuCoreCount / 4).rounded + 1
Since: v0.12.0

Set the concurrency of testrunners. Stryker4s will create this many testrunners to run mutants in parallel. This defaults to (cpuCoreCount / 4).rounded + 1. cpuCoreCount includes virtual processors such as from hyperthreading. This is a sane default for most use cases as most test frameworks already have some form of concurrency built in. But as always with concurrency, test it yourself to be sure of the best performance.

debug [object]​

Describes the debug config field

debug-test-runner [boolean]​

Config file: debug { debug-test-runner: true }
Default value: false
Since: v0.14.0

Passes additional JVM options to the created testrunner which debuggers can use to attach and debug. Debugging is opened on port 8000. Also limits concurrency to 1. How to debug is specific to your IDE. The used JVM debug argument is:


To debug in VS Code, you can use (and edit) this launch.json:

"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "scala",
"name": "Attach to sbt test-runner",
"request": "attach",
"hostName": "",
"port": 8000,
"buildTarget": "sbtTestRunner"

log-test-runner-stdout [boolean]​

Config file: debug { log-test-runner-stdout: true }
Default value: false
Since: v0.14.0

By default, stdout from testrunners is not logged. With this option, stdout is sent to debug logging. Enabling this can be useful when debugging the testrunners, but is disabled by default because the output can be too much for normal debug logging.

Process runner config​

test-runner [object]​

Config file: test-runner: { command: "sbt", args: "test" }
Mandatory: Yes
With test-runner you specify how stryker4s can invoke the test runner.
Examples would be sbt test, mvn test or any other command to run your tests, including any parameters your tests might need.

warning The process runner should only be used when your specific test framework is not supported. Due to performance and predictability reasons.

Other configuration options​

log-level [string]​

Default value: INFO
How to adjust the loglevel depends on how you run stryker4s:

  • sbt plugin
    • Add stryker / logLevel := Level.Debug to your build.sbt. Or use set stryker / logLevel := Level.Debug if you are in a sbt session.
    • Options: Debug, Info, Warn, Error
  • Commandrunner
    • Pass the loglevel as a parameter when running, like so: --debug
    • Options: --debug, --info, --warn, --error (not case sensitive)
  • Maven plugin
    • As a command-line property, like so: mvn -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=warn stryker4s:run
      • Options: trace, debug, info, warn, or error
    • Debug logging with -X or -debug: mvn -debug stryker4s:run

warning This option cannot be set from stryker4s.conf.

Excluding specific mutations​

Since: v0.9.0

Using the @SuppressWarnings annotation, you can tell Stryker4s to ignore mutations in a code block. Annotate a code block with a @SuppressWarnings annotation, passing an array of mutation names you would like to ignore.

/** No booleans will be mutated
RequestLogger(logHeaders = false, logBody = false)(ResponseLogger(logHeaders = false, logBody = true)(httpClient))

All mutation names are the same as for Excluded mutations and should be prefixed with "stryker4s.mutation.".