Current state
The following have been added to secure Fsharp support in the future:
- FsharpCompilingProcess.cs
used to compile fsharp SyntaxTrees - Fsharp variant of the ProjectComponents
used to simulate a file structure in Stryker, and keep track of files in general - FsharpProjectComponentsBuilder.cs
used to instantiate the ProjectComponents for F# - a set of classes to create Orchestrators for F# SyntaxTrees (ParsedInput)
used to iterate over a given SyntaxTree - FsharpMutationProcess.cs added to connect the different processes
- MutationTestProcess.cs used to start the FsharpMutationProcess.cs
- FSharp.Compiler.Service
- Microsoft.FSharp
- FSharp.Core
- a .fs file to use for the creation of tests for the F#-components
- a test project written in F# to use as input for
- a C# project use to test the process of iterating on a SyntaxTree in F#
- general cleanup of existing code